我們的理事会成員包括社會各界人士`家長`老師和前任校長. 這些顧問持守學校宗旨, 注重教育甚於擴張, 將文化活動納入課程, 寓教於樂, 提供一個積極的學習環境和歸屬感.
大納城中文學 校是由一個五人組成的理事會指導管理,本屆理事名單如下:
Our board is made up of founding members, friends from the community, parents of students and the school principal. This leadership team keeps the school true to our vision and values – putting quality of education before expansion, incorporating fun and meaningful cultural activities into the curriculum, fostering a positive learning environment and a place of belonging.
The Nashville Chinese School is governed by a board of directors consisting of 5 members. The current board is: