納城中文學校是美國聯邦政府 認可的一個非營利組織,於1987年由一群熱 心公益的華人為傳承優美的中華文 化、語言而成立。最初僅有二十 多個學生和六、七個由家長兼任的義務教師,如今則有一百多個學生、二十多個教 師,加上無數的義務工作者協助推動校務。本校秉承「四海一家」的創校宗旨,不論政治、宗教、種 族等背景,全部一視同仁,以促進中華文化與祖先優良傳統之目標共同努力。
若需與校方聯絡,請發電子郵件到下列地址:[email protected]
Nashville Chinese School (NCS), established in 1987, is a federally recognized non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. NCS’s mission is to enrich our community by providing Chinese language classes as well as arts and culture classes to children and adults in the Greater Nashville area. We take great pride in providing a nurturing, diverse learning environment for students of all ethnic backgrounds. Currently, over 100 students attend NCS classes on Saturday mornings at the H.G. Hill Middle School. Our semesters follow the Nashville Metropolitan Public School calendar.
Please direct all communication via email to: [email protected]