Rules of Conduct

中 文 學 校 校 規  
Rules of Conduct




  1. 尊敬老師和助教,聽從教導。
  2. 準時到校。
  3. 上課時不可吃喝或睡覺。
  4. 愛護教室裡的設施,保持整潔。
  5. 上課前協助老師擺設桌椅。
  6. 下課後協助老師把教室恢復原狀。
  7. 沒有得到老師或助教允許不可擅自離開教室。
  8. 沒有得到允許,不可使用教室裡的器材和物品,如電腦,電視,書本等。


  1. 不可在走廊,教室,或廁所奔跑追逐嬉戲。
  2. 維持走廊和教室的整潔。
  3. 沒有得到許可不可擅自離開校區。
  4. 教室裡,走廊上和體育館裡的學校物品未經允許不可觸摸破壞。
  5. 不可攀爬體育館內階梯型的長椅,也不可在階梯間上奔跑。



Our school strives to uphold the highest level of ethics and conduct among our students, parents, faculty and staff. We ask that all students obey the following rules:

Classroom Rules

  1. Respect the teacher & teacher assistant and follow their instructions
  2. Arrive at class on time
  3. No eating, drinking, or sleeping during the class
  4. Respect the classroom setting and keep it clean
  5. Assist the teacher in rearranging classroom furniture prior to class
  6. Assist in returning all furniture to their proper location at the conclusion of class
  7. Do not leave the classroom without permission from the teacher or teacher assistant
  8. Do not disturb any unauthorized items in the classroom (telephone, computer, books, etc…)

Rules During Class Breaks:

  1. No running, fighting, or loud noise in hallways rest rooms or classrooms
  2. Hallways and classrooms should be kept clean
  3. Do not leave the school premises without permission
  4. Do not disturb or tamper with unauthorized items in the classroom, hallways, or gym
  5. No climbing or running on the bleachers in the gym

Students found to be violating any of the above rules will be subject to discipline. Repeat offenders may be sent home or expelled by the Principal.

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